Customizing Your Cubicle Series Part 3; Choosing Your Tiles

The third installment of the Customizing Your Cubicle series is choosing your tiles. The beauty of Herman Miller Ethospace is its tiling abilities. The underlying structure of the Herman Miller Ethospace cubicle is a steel frame that tiles snap on to. These tiles come in a variety of sizes, colors, finishes and functional abilities. Let us take a look in detail of the various styles of tiles.




The fabric tiles are the primary tiles used in the workstation. They help create the overall look of the office cubicle. The customer can choose from a limitless amount of colors for their fabric tiles.




Accent tiles are used to accent the main fabric tiles.




Acoustic tiles are utilized in areas where noise is of concern. Acoustic tiles can help muffle the noises in the cubicle.




Tackable tiles are a great way to organize important reminders, or tack pictures, around your office cubicle.




Painted tiles can create a high-tech look and are also easy to clean.




Laminate tiles come in various wood grains to create a high-end, sleek look.




Window tiles are great for allowing natural light into the office, or for creating visual lines of sight throughout the office.




Marker tiles are perfect for organizing your thoughts or brainstorming while in the cubicle (or for awesome doodles).


rail tile


Rail tiles are another way to organize your cubicle. There are a number of paper management accessories that can be used with rail tiles.

As you can see there are a number of ways to customize your refurbished office cubicle with the various tile options. For someone who is super organized, utilizing tackable tiles, rail tiles and a whiteboard would be ideal. For someone who needs their office cubicle to be a little quieter, acoustic tiles can help cut down the noise. The tiling options are nearly limitless. To view a selection of our refurbished cubicles with various tile options visit our Flickr page. View the previous installments of Customizing Your Cubicle: Part 1: Floorplan Design | Part 2: Storage Options