Customizing Your Cubicle Series Part 4: Fabrics and Finishes

The final installment of the Customizing Your Cubicle Series is selecting your fabrics and finishes. Now that you have the size, height, layout, storage options, and tile options selected it is time for what might be the most exciting part of customizing your cubicle; selecting the color scheme of your refurbished office cubicle.

Office Cubicles

The finishes of your office cubicle can define the look and feel of the office space. You can select fabrics that light up the room to create a vibrant work environment or fabrics that coincide with your company’s color scheme. You can select wood grain laminates that create a high-end look throughout the office or you can even put leopard print fabric on your tiles (yes we’ve done that). Whatever color scheme you desire for your office cubicles you can achieve with our refurbished cubicles. You also have the option to select the trim color of your workstation. You can choose from a number of different colors to complement the color scheme of the tiles.

Overall, the customization of your refurbished cubicle is nearly limitless. With EthoSource’s refurbished cubicles we allow you to create a workstation that is completely unique to your business. If you need ideas for the perfect office cubicle for your business, our designers are here to help! They can produce unique ideas that will get your creative juices flowing.

View the previous installments of Customizing Your Cubicle:Part 1: Floorplan Design | Part 2: Storage Options | Part 3: Tile Choices