Customizing Your Cubicle Series, Part 2: Storage Options

Now that your floor plan design has been determined, it is time to dive deeper into the customization of the cubicle. The next installment of the Customizing Your Cubicle Series is the storage options. Selecting the proper storage components is crucial to the functionality of the cubicle. There are 3 main storage options to choose from when creating your office cubicle.

Overhead Storage

Overhead Storage






Overhead storage options include flipper door units and open shelving. Flipper door units are ideal for storing binders, catalogs, manuals and personal items. The flipper can also be upholstered with fabric to accent the rest of the cubicle. Open shelving units are mainly used for storing books, binders and other literature. Open shelving is also a good way to personalize your workstation by placing frames and other memorabilia on it.

Under-Surface Storage

Under-Surface Storage






Under-surface storage is often used for filing purposes as well as storing personal items. Examples of under-surface storage include pedestals, lateral files and pencil drawers.

Rail Tile Storage

Rail Tile Storage







Rails tiles are a great storage solution for everyday use. Rail tiles allow the user to organize files according to their preference. There is an assortment of paper management accessories to choose from such as paper trays, diagonal trays, organizer trays, vertical bins, triple arches, mini shelves and more. The paper management accessories can easily be repositioned to promote maximum efficiency.

The beauty of Herman Miller Ethospace is its ability to add on storage features after the initial installation. If you feel you need more storage it can always be added on in the future. Ethospace’s storage options are the perfect solution for all of your storage needs. Be sure to stay tuned for the next installment of the Customizing Your Cubicle Series. View the first installment of Customizing Your Cubicle Part 1: Floorplan Design.