On the 6th Day of Office Tips…

Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?  Colors are all around us and whether we notice it or not, they influence us in a number of ways.   The workplace is no exception since we spend so much of time there.  So what does color have to do with this tip?  On the 6th Day of Office Tips, EthoSource said to me… Color Yourself Happy!

6th day of Christmas

Color has a lot to do with the office!  You may have your personal favorite colors, but colors actually have universally affects on people in general.  “The Colour Affects System” by Angela Wright explains all this in detail, but let us just share how some of these colors can influence you.  Afterall, your favorite color may be yellow, but paint your whole office that color, and you may be in for a lot of unnecessary anxiety, fear and depression!  Every color has their upside and downside, but here are some good ones to consider for your workplace.

Blue:  Intellectual.  It provides trust and serenity to a work environment, calming you mentally so you feel less stressed.  It also stimulates clear thought and communication.  It’s the world’s favorite color, and soft blues have the ability to encourage logic and efficiency, which can help any profession!

Green: Balance.  It’s provides a restful feeling.  It does not require an adjustment to the eye so is considered a balancing element that also promotes environmental awareness and peace.  The concept of balance is more important than people think in helping you feel self assured and confident to be effective in your office role.

Violet: Spiritual. May sound odd for an office, but it also encourages deep contemplation or meditation, and with an association to royalty, it poses a high-quality presence .  Just a touch can help awareness and high-level thought which could benefit you in a creative or decision making role.   

So remember, when you’re looking at a change up for your office design this year, don’t forget to think about your color scheme! Even trying to cincorporate some of these colors in your workspace with plants, pictures, etc. can be really helpful to your overall mood and productivity throughout the day, as well as how clients and visitors perceive your business!


Source: http://www.colour-affects.co.uk/psychological-properties-of-colours