Let the Sun Grace Your Office Cubicle This Summer

We’ve all seen it before, the sun deprived cubicle dweller with pictures of the beach tacked all over their station to remind them of the good times. Unfortunately many employees who are stationed in a cubicle don’t have the luxury of being next to a window, or even a natural light source for that matter. This leaves you no choice but to gawk at pictures of happy times past and resent anyone who is lucky enough to see the outside world from their office desk. But what if there was a solution to this Vitamin D depriver you call your office cubicle? What if I told you that with EthoSource’s used and refurbished cubicles one day you could potentially get a face tan while running a report, because so much light is entering your workspace? Well perk up I Need a Vacation Victoria, because by utilizing Herman Miller Ethospace cubicles your office cubicle can be designed and configured with natural light in mind!

EthoSource is one of the nation’s leading providers of pre-owned and refurbished Herman Miller Ethospace cubicles. The beauty of Ethospace is its ability to be customized and configured in a number of ways. With natural light in mind, a workstation can be configured to stand 38” tall,allowing complete openness to the office’s surroundings. This height is also ideal for collaboration amongst employees. If you need more privacy in your cubicle, but still want the luxury of seeing some sun, then incorporating window tiles is the way to go. By installing window tiles your cubicle can still stand tall, but allow natural light at the same time.

To learn more about Herman Miller Ethospace’s customization abilities visit our Ethospace page.  The days of working in the shadows should be a thing of the past!