Bring Spring Into Your Office!

springHappy Spring, everyone! It seemed that throughout this long, brutal winter that this day would never come, but it is finally here.  True, it still may not feel quite like Spring outside yet, but for those of you that spend most of your waking hours inside an office anyway, what’s stopping you from bringing spring into your workspace! This blog will share a couple of simple suggestions on how to help push Spring along a little bit and brighten up your work area in the mean time!  Let’s think Spring!


1) Bring Outside, Inside

What screams Spring more than some green plants in your workstation.  No need to overdo it with an all out jungle theme, but adding some plants or your favorite flowers to the office will brighten up the area and remind you how close the nice weather really is.  Plus, it’s always fun to help and watch it grow as you receive compliments from people that pass by.  Such an easy way to lighten up the office mood!

2) Change your Desktop Picture

This is probably the easiest way to incorporate happy Spring thoughts into your workday.  Just a simple swap of your desktop picture to an outdoor image will serve as a constant reminder of this wonderful time of year.  Whether it’s a photo of one of your favorite memories from last Spring or a generic default desktop image of a grassy field and some trees, this Spring tip will be staring you in the face all day long, helping to boost your spirits and productivity.

3) Spring Cleaning

One of the biggest associations with Spring, whether in the office, home, car, or wherever, is a fresh start by cleaning up! It’s a great way to relieve that stuffy feeling that lingers from winter and unclutter your desk and mind for a new season! Clean off your surfaces (with some nice spring scented cleaners) or try a new way to get organized with new filing or storage accessories.  Even your desktop needs some cleaning every once in a while too.  Go through your computer for old folders and documents that can be removed to clear space for new things.  This will help you prioritize your work and feel less overwhelmed every time you turn on your monitor.

4) Lighten Up!

Make a switch with some of your old desk accessories.  Replace that boring old staple with a new colorful one, or switch up some of your old picture frames with new ones.  Maybe even switch the pictures! Pastel colors are great for spring and will lighten up your workspace.  Maybe a colorful new desk lamp (a little extra light helps too!) or a colorful pencil holder may be just the accent your neutral station needs. Whatever it may be, spice up your desk with some color!

5) Don’t Forget your Furniture

Speaking of color, that goes for your office furniture as well! Personalize your space with a task chair that has bright colored fabric or a storage unit with a colorful finish.  These styles work for any time of year, so what better time than Spring to make the change and let your office space pop a little! Bold colors are a popular trend in the modern workplace, so kill two birds with one stone while updating your furniture and getting ready for Spring!

Check out our office furniture inventory as well as our choices for fabrics and finishes that are part of our refurbishing program.  The possibilities are endless! Happy Spring!


Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn