5 Tips For an Easier Office Furniture Liquidation

Office Furniture Liquidation

Liquidating your office furniture can be a burdensome task. The following tips will help make managing your next office furniture liquidation a little bit easier.

Create a Sufficient Time Table

Relocating or closing a business can become quite a burden. Sometimes the process can last up to, or over, a year to complete. Businesses need to be aware of the time frame necessary to inventory, disassemble and remove the office furniture. Leaving a sufficient amount of time to complete the office furniture liquidation is important to ensure you maximize your return on your office furniture.

Selecting a Professional Office Furniture Liquidator

A professional office furniture liquidator will handle every facet of liquidating your office space. This includes, but is not limited to, completing the project in the allotted time period, working with the building’s management team, determining the costs of the project, making sure you receive the most value out of your furniture, and complete project management.

Compiling a Detailed Inventory of Furniture Assets

Reputable office furniture liquidators will perform a thorough site walk through and create a detailed inventory of the available office furniture assets. This allows the furniture liquidator to create an accurate pricing plan.

The Whole is Worth More Than The Sum of Its Parts

In order to maximize the return of your office furniture assets, it is best to sell the inventory as a whole as opposed to piecing it out. Businesses that allow the office furniture to be handpicked find themselves left with all of the undesirable pieces that now require disposal (extra costs). These extra costs can sometimes offset the money received for the handpicked furniture.

Furniture Wholesaler vs. Furniture Broker

It is important to understand that many furniture brokers will not make a commitment to liquidate your furniture until they have it sold. This can create a problem with the timeframe, because it is hard to determine when and if something will sell. An office furniture wholesaler commits with the initial proposal, incurs labor costs, and work within the agreed upon time frame.