Tip #1
Allowing sufficient time
Businesses need to allow enough time for their furniture to be evaluated, disassembled and removed. Many businesses start planning their relocation up to a year in advance but often leave their furniture removal as an afterthought. Proper time management will ensure the maximum value of the furniture assets by giving the liquidation firm the time necessary to find the best secondary buyers.
Tip #2
Choosing the right professional
Some businesses hire professionals that are not office furniture liquidators. A furniture liquidator understands all the removal details: how long it will take, how much it will cost, how to work with the building and its management team, how to ensure a company’s leased space is ready to turn back on time, and how to maximize the value of the existing furniture.
Tip #3
A detailed inventory
Many companies assume that preparing a line by line inventory of every piece of furniture will enhance the value of the liquidation of their assets. The business does not need to pay for this service. Any reputable liquidation company will want to perform their own inventory and evaluation during a walk through and this inventory will become a part of their proposal.
Tip #4
Moving furniture into storage vs. liquidation
Often over looked are the total costs involved such as; removal, labor costs, transportation costs, unloading costs, damaged product, storage fees, reloading costs, transportation costs to the new location, and installation. With a liquidation, the moving costs are all borne by the liquidator and there are never any ongoing storage costs.
Tip #5
The whole is worth more than the sum of its parts
Businesses that are considering liquidating their existing office furniture should allow the entire inventory to be evalutated in order to maximize their final return. Allowing the sale of select items to “specialists” often results in an overall loss of value to the business. This furniture “cherry picking” ends up leaving the less desirable pieces and normally doesn’t offset the additional cost of removing the lesser valued items.
Tip #6
Hire a furniture wholesaler instead of a furniture broker
Many brokers will not make a commitment to remove the furniture until they have it sold. The business runs the risk of a lease violation due to a missed deadline. A furniture wholesale liquidator will commit in the proposal to purchase, incur all labor costs, and remove the furniture within a specified time frame.