Case Study #1
A global investment management organization asked us to complete a 9 phase, 2.5 year project in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore. The project included a wide assortment of furniture and more than 500 wood executive offices. EthoSource coordinated the removal with both the construction manager and the project management company and handled the liquidation during evening and weekend hours to minimize disruption. Each phase was completed with time to spare and the customer was paid for its assets each step of the way.
Case Study #2
EthoSource was asked by a large software company to empty their 75,000 square foot Minneapolis office in 5 days. Located in the Nicollet Mall area of town, the project had the added challenge that trailers could not access the loading dock. This meant that furniture had to be shuttled from the building in a straight truck before it could be reloaded onto trailers for its final destination. EthoSource worked around the clock to meet the deadline and leave the building in a broom swept condition.
Case Study #3
A financial services company with over $2 trillion in assets under management needed EthoSource to remove office furniture from several floors of their NYC offices using outside, open-air construction elevators. EthoSource coordinated with building management, construction management and the outside crane operators during the decommissioning and demolition of several floors to ensure a smooth transition. Snow and rain did not cause project delays, but it did add excitement to the exterior elevator rides.
Case Study #4
A large travel company asked EthoSource to uninstall and clear out their Chicago office of 400 stations in 15 days. The low-height loading docks required us to let air out of the trailer tires in order to load the furniture, and the St. Patrick’s Day snow storm made travel in and out of the city very difficult. In the end, the deadline was met and more than a dozen trailers of furniture were recycled.
Case Study #5
A leading insurance company called on us to help them liquidate 10 geographically dispersed offices over a two year period. Offices varied in sizes from 10 to 500 persons. EthoSource handled the logistics and project management during evening and weekend hours to minimize disruption. EthoSource coordinated the project with numerous stakeholders – customer, architect, furniture dealer and construction manager – to make sure the assets were handled according to everyone’s expectations.
Case Study #6
After 40 years in the same location, a large insurance company needed to move 1,000 people and their office furniture out of a Philadelphia center city office. Along with the cubicles and private offices, EthoSource loaded out 15 containers of papers and manuals that were shipped to an East Coast paper recycler.
Case Study #7
A credit card services company called on EthoSource to remove 10,000 used chairs and install the same quantity of new replacement chairs. The job involved multiple phases at three different facilities in Utah and Arizona. The company saved the thousands of dollars in removal and installation costs and the chairs found new homes as used and refurbished seating.
Case Study #8
An international pharmaceutical company needed EthoSource to handle multiple projects in suburban and urban settings in 13 different states. The client had a diverse inventory of furniture with sites ranging from 10 to 100 people. EthoSource managed the project according to the scheduled time lines and maximized the value of the assets to the customer.
Case Study #9
A global asset management company needed EthoSource to remove 100,000 square feet of office furniture located on Park Ave in New York City. EthoSource managed this furniture transition of 500 people with time to spare.