The Adjustable Height Office Desk Test

Looking for more ways to be a little healthier during the workday? You may have thought about it, but it only sounds like an easy task until you’re attempting jumping jacks in the hallway or trying to convince your boss to install a treadmill desk in your station. Although both of these ideas will inevitably be effective, there are more subtle ways to incorporate a little exercise into your work day… and our VP of Sales decided to give it a try.

This is the large mahogany private desk set at which our VP of Sales, Bryon Kauffman, used to sit and work.


This desk set is a great executive office option for decision makers and managers of all types of businesses, but as offices change to incorporate all kinds of new equipment and product, Bryon decided to try out a new option that got him up and moving a little more than before. Research has shown that sitting for hours a day is bad for your health (duh).  In fact, sitting for just an hour reduces the production of fat-buring enzymes in the body up to 90%. So more people are standing.  The goal behind this switch is to eliminate the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle. While sitting, you’re restricting the amount of blood flow to your brain, so you’re not only limiting the amount of nutrients and oxygen that gets to your muscles, but you’re preventing yourself from being more alert and productive. So standing should the answer, right?

Well, the problem is that our society is so accustomed to sitting. We sit so often throughout the day that standing just seems kinda hard. We get to our desk in the morning, we sit. We enter a conference room for a meeting, we sit.  So it’s not easy making the complete 360 switch to standing 8 hours a day, nor is it the best choice for every individual.

The solution… the Adjustable Height Desk.

adjheightdeskThe real foundation of healthy activity is movement.  The act of physically going from a seated position to a standing one or converting a feet-flat seated position to a legs-up seated position is the type of movement that initiates the blood flow supplying all the real benefits.  Standing may be better than sitting, but the real benefit isn’t in simply standing still.  That’s why the adjustable height desk is our (and our VP of Sales’) solution.  Bryon spends his day alternating from hour or two long shifts standing then back to seated, sometimes with legs propped up and other times flat on the floor.  After standing for a while, sitting feels fantastic.  Then, vice versa.  This flexible desk option gives Bryon the ability to choose when and how he works throughout the day without needing multiple surfaces or equipment, and he’s able to keep moving without doing those jumping jacks in the hallway. Two weeks into his switch, and so far, he’s very happy with his choice.

As the modern offices changes, there are multiple ways to get the designs and equipment your employees need to be productive.  Not all offices look the same, just like not all employees work the same.  Bryon’s surface is now much smaller than his previous one, which may call for the need of more storage units or shelf space.  He has now also integrated a contemporary side table into his workstation to compensate the missing guest area he once had.  The possibilities of designing your office are endless.  If you’re looking to get up and moving more during your work day, then let us help you find the adjustable desk that fits your needs.

Our inventory changes as the workplace does, so we’ll make sure you’re a step ahead of the office game. In the mean time, we will keep you posted on any further office designs progressions Bryon may make, and let you know our expert’s opinions on the products we sell, so you can better make the right decision for you.