Office Furniture Featured in the Movies and Television

You may never notice it, but we do. We are passionate about office furniture so we can’t help but notice. The judges of American Idol sit in Herman Miller Aeron chairs. As they fulfill hopeful contestants’ dreams, or crush them, they are enjoying the lumbar support of the Aeron and its adjustable arms. The cubicles in the movie Get Him to the Greek, which EthoSource provided, are refurbished Herman Miller Ethospace cubicles. As Jonah Hill frantically tries to figure out how to tame the beast that is Russell Brand, he is doing so with a fully equipped cubicle that has paper management rails, and above and below surface. If there were an A-list for office furniture, then the Herman Miller Eames chair would be the Brad Pit of office chairs. The Eames chair can be seen in the TV shows Lie to Me, Millionaire Matchmaker, iCarlyRules of Engagement and the list goes on and on. It seems that virtually any show that has a conference table has Eames chairs surrounding it.

If the Eames is the Brad Pitt of office chairs, then the Herman Miller Aeron is Angelina Jolie. The Aeron can be seen in House, The Simpsons, 30 Rock, American Idol and has a ton more appearances. Some other notable office furniture appearances include Herman Miller AO2 in Office Space, the Humanscale Freedom chair in Private Practice and 24, and the list can go on for days. Call it nerdy, but I can’t help but notice the different styles of office furniture in various television shows and movies.

EthoSource offers all kinds of cubicles, seating, executive desk sets,conference tablesreception stations and more. The great thing about EthoSource is that we handle your entire office furniture project from beginning to end. From space planning and design to delivery and installation, EthoSource’s office furniture products and services are top notch.

So next time you are watching TV or a movie, be sure to take notice of the office furniture and visit the EthoSource website to compare what you’ve seen, because you never know, you may be sitting in the same chair as Jennifer Lopez or working in the same cubicle as your favorite ESPN reporter.