How to Make the Most of Your Work Breaks

work breakFirst of all, if you’re not taking breaks during the workday, that needs to change.  Taking the time regularly to distract yourself and refocus your brain power from the stressful tasks of the day is really important for your health, productivity and well being.  Whether you physically or mentally need a time out, even a few minutes can be super beneficial to your work and overall mood.  Now that I’ve convinced you to take breaks, the rest of this blog will help you personally figure out the best ways to make the most of your time during them.  Get ready for a whole new energized, healthy and successful you!

Schedule it into your daily routine – Block out time every hour and a half or so to take at least a 3-5 minute break.  If you’re sitting all day, these little breaks are necessary for your health to relieve the stress and pressure on your back and legs.  It’s also good to take your eyes off the screen and hands off the keyboard for a few minutes.  If you’re really not sure if you’ll stick to the new schedule, there are even programs you can download to block you out of your computer for a short time until you’ve given your computer (and yourself) a rest for a few minutes.  (ex. EVO or Breaker)

Get away from your desk– Take a walk!  Get up from your chair to get some blood circulating through your muscles.  Do not stay at your desk and check social media.  If it’s really that important to you, bring your phone with you as you walk.  However, too much time on the web is shown to decrease productivity, so keep it to a minimum.  During longer breaks, such as lunch, take a walk to a greener area (if you have a park nearby, great!).  It is shown to lower stress and allow the brain to recover from tension. It may not seem like it, but even walking around in 5 minute intervals is still exercise that’s good for your heart! Evaluate your time and surroundings to find ways to get some steps in during your breaks to help prevent heart disease and help you stay focused throughout the day!

Stretch it out – Similarly, if you don’t have time to take a walk, just choose a couple stretches to perform during your break.  Obviously, there are health benefits to stretching such as improving flexibility to prevent injuries, as well as increasing circulation and balance.  Especially if you aren’t very active outside of work, stretching is important for heart health.  With it being so easy to do, why not?  Afterwards, get back to work feeling refreshed and energized.

Pick up a good read– Trying to avoid over-stimulation does not include eliminating reading or even a good crossword puzzle at break time.  In fact, picking up a book for even six minutes at a time is said to reduce stress.  Keep a novel or a puzzle book handy at your desk for those breaks where your time is limited or you’re stuck at your desk.  They encourage concentration, but not in the same way your work does.  This break activity is a good way to distract yourself while engaging your mind a little.

Plan accordingly– The meaning of a “break” is different to everyone.  What relaxes you, may not be relaxing to a coworker.  Whether your way to regroup involves keeping to yourself on a quiet walk or partnering your breaks with a coworker to chat by the water cooler, make sure what you’re doing is actually helping you be more productive when it’s over.  Base your breaks off of what helps you rejuvenate your senses and help you best focus the rest of the day.

Meditate.. no really– It may not be your thing to center yourself through yoga or Tai chi, but it’s said that any form of meditating can be a type of medicine for your mind and body.  Taking a moment or two to sit in a peaceful area to focus on your breathing helps you eliminate the information overload you have accumulated throughout the workday.  It helps clear your mind and refocus, especially when you’re constantly in a stressful environment.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try a couple minutes of meditation during your next break.

Listen to music, but not your favorite music– But but but! I like my music….  I get it, but chances are, you’re listening to your favorite jams most of the day anyway. Research shows that listening to classical music like Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and the rest of those 19th century composers is much more relaxing than new age music, and even helps enhance accuracy and reasoning skills.  It accesses the creative side of the brain, helping you be more productive and imaginative.  So switch it up once in a while!

Delegate some tasks– May sound a little bit like work still, but it will actually help you feel less stressed knowing you’re alleviating some of your workload.  It’s a good way to be productive during your break, while still helping yourself refocus and eliminate some of the pressure of the workday.

Enjoy a Healthy Snack– There’s nothing wrong with snacking throughout the day if you have some healthy treats in stock.  Eating small amounts throughout the day is actually proven to provide more energy than having three large meals.  In addition, keep the snacks in the office kitchen, so you have to extend a little energy to get them when the time comes.  Foods like nuts, fruits, avocado, veggies, popcorn and pretzels, among others, are great options to keep you feeling light and energetic throughout the day.  Plus, who doesn’t look forward to a good snack! Sounds like a great reward for all your hard work!