Office Lobby Furniture Ideas

Looking for ideas to spruce up your office lobby furniture? Allow Ethosource to provide the furnishings and the services required to outfit your office in such a way that promotes functionality and visual appeal. We regularly serve the needs of a wide variety of sectors including the tech, healthcare, corporate, banking, legal, education, and employee wellness sectors.

Office Lobby Furniture IdeasThe lobby space of your venture is more than a place where customers mill about or sit and wait for an appointment. It’s a space that influences the primary impression of the business on these guests. The aesthetics of your office can greatly influence the confidence that clients and customers have in your company’s ability to perform on their behalf.

Put your best foot forward by having Ethosource fully equip your lobby. In addition to being visually welcoming, the design should provide direction of movement, sufficient walkways, comfortable seating, end tables, and accessories. By choosing among the unique offerings we provide, you can create a special lobby that complements the nature of your office’s personality and purpose.

Ideas for Lobby Perfection

Remember Branding Concepts – The lobby of your office space can further any branding motif that already exists. Decorative imaging, colors, and style can all incorporate the brand within the physical space and elucidate for guests characteristics of the brand. Credibility, tradition, cutting edge, lively, serious, and other attributes of the company that can be difficult to express with a logo can be more clearly defined when that logo becomes part of an overall lobby design.

Prioritize Direction of Movement – The lobby space needs to be laid out in such a way that visitors know where they need to go. Signage is crucial, as is placement of the reception desk and visitor seating. Try to leave enough room between seating for comfort and clear areas for movement. The functional aspect of the lobby area is key.

Think Comfort and Flexibility – The furniture that you choose for a lobby should blend comfort and flexibility in a way that welcomes visitors and allows for adjustments as needed. Ethosource offers a wide range of appropriate furniture to make your lobby work well. Introducing as much natural light and greenery into the design will also help make the space inviting.

Welcome Guests with Inviting Design – As you create a lobby design, channel your inner hospitality venue. Beyond the furniture that will make the area welcoming and luxurious, add creature comforts like televisions; coffee, tea, or snack bars; charging stations; conversation areas; and other unique amenities.

All Things Office Furniture from Ethosource

Ethosource has two retail showrooms. The first is in Reading and the second in King of Prussia, PA. These spaces showcase 50k square feet of constantly changing inventory. We also provide online and phone service, with a footprint that stretches throughout the United States and Canada.

Beyond the furniture for every office environment, Ethosource also supplies related services. This comprehensive selection of services will cover your furniture needs from the idea stage to replacement or refurbishment. The services provided by Ethosource include:

  • Space planning and design
  • Project management
  • Office furniture decommissions
  • Reconfigurations
  • Move management and relocation
  • Delivery and installation
  • Service and parts
  • Sustainable solutions
  • Furniture maintenance

With these office lobby ideas and furniture and services from Ethosource, you’ll be able to welcome guests to your business well. Click here to contact us online or call (610) 982-1955 to speak with us via phone.