Selecting the Right Office Cubicle Layout

Every business needs their office cubicles to function according to their needs, while meeting the spatial requirements of the office. This situation can be solved with proper space design and selecting the optimal office cubicle layout. Herman Miller Ethospace allows for a number of office cubicle layouts and configurations. Let’s take a look at a few office cubicle layouts to determine which set up is ideal for your business.

Office Cubicle Bullpen

A bullpen set up is equivalent to one very large cubicle. A typical bullpen is around 12ft x 12ft. This configuration allows for multiple employees to work side-by-side. Bullpens are often implemented for teams of employees, ie the marketing team or project management team, because it allows for easy interaction. This setup also creates an open feel in the office.

Straight Run of Cubicles



Straight Run
A straight run of cubicles is simply a row of cubicles that are all connected side-by-side. This configuration helps save space and money because the cubicles share walls. Straight runs typically line up against a wall and are most commonly found in smaller offices.


Cluster of Cubicles

Picture a large office of cubicles. Chances are your vision depicts a cluster of office cubicles.  A cluster is when a group of cubicles share a center spine (shared centralized frame). This setup is ideal for large offices because it is a great way to maximize the workspace and save significantly on your office furniture purchase.



Private Office Cubicle


Private Offices
Private office cubicles are a great way to create an office that can evolve as the business does. Private office cubicles eliminate the need for permanent walls and allow for reconfiguration in the future. A typical private office measures 86in tall, but can measure up to 102in.


As you can see there are a number of configurations that can be utilized in an office space. Every workspace is different and every business is different. For more information about planning your space or more cubicle layout ideas visit our Youtube channel or give us a call!